Fishing for Walleye in Spring

Right now, in very early spring, is the best time to find and catch trophy size walleye in Manitoba, Canada. It is one of the most productive seasons because many walleye spawn and hunt for food in early spring.
Catching elusive fish like the walleye is easy enough if you have a few of our tricks up your sleeve. The key is to ensure that you do not underestimate the walleye, but you can underestimate the weather. Spring seasons also come with rain and deplorable weather that may deter some anglers, so the fish aren’t as sketchy as when the waters are busy. Furthermore, the fish will look for rocks during cold weather, so they could be easier to find.
Shallow or Deep Water?
Location is important. Water is clear in spring, and they’re quick, so finding and baiting them is key. Walleye often reside in predictable locations, usually in shallow water. Walleye love rocks and places to hide. Sunken islands and running creeks with big rocks are a walleye’s dream home.
Bright, Plastic Lures or Live Bait?
Since the water is clear and these fish can see well, avoid bright or ostentatious lures. Less is more with walleye, and live-minnows will do just fine. As fish are very hungry in early spring, extra minnows could mean a bigger fish!
Day or Night Fishing?
Walleye in shallow water notice hooks better during the day for a few reasons. The sun is shining, the water is clearer, and there are more anglers around. Therefore, walleye are under pressure to survive during the day, and harder to catch. Some anglers will head out at night to better their chances of catching a record Walleye.
Boat or Wade Fishing?
As walleye reside in shallow waters, fishing with a boat is just an accident waiting to happen. Consider a pair of waders for standing in the water. Wade fishing is subtle, and ideal for catching walleye.