2016 Fall Moose Hunt

The fall hunting season started off with fisherman, bear hunters and a duck hunter. The bear hunters didn’t fare so well as the bears would not come to the baits no matter what we put in them. The fishermen kept track of the fish caught a total of 377 in 4 days!  Our duck hunter fed us his bacon wrapped duck for the week.  Can’t get enough of this delicacy!  When he wasn’t hunting he was out looking for big northern.  For the amount of time fishing there was some nice pike 13 over 30” with the biggest being 39”.

The moose hunters arrived on September 17th.  The week proved to be successful with 2 bull moose tags filled. Mid-week, guide Leo had a moose coming and another smaller one swam from behind them across the river and his guest filled his tag.  The next day, guide Johnny called a nice moose in.  The hunter had the horns and head in the scope at 30 yards and didn’t feel he had a good enough shot.  The following day, Leo had another one coming to the call and the hunter dropped the shooting stick and that was it for the bull moose.

Rain, high winds, and fog slowed down the second week of hunting.  Mother nature at its finest!  This didn’t stop our guides and guests from getting out there.  Joe took his new guests out and saw a bull in the river but didn’t get close enough to get a shot.  Tuesday was calm in the morning and guide Joe heard 2 in the Hunting River.  Guide Leo and guest heard a call from down the Burntwood River but couldn’t get close enough for a shot.

The third week started off the same, heavy fog in the mornings and later in the week 25mph winds and 10” of snow! Guide Leo and guest headed for the spot he had heard the moose down the Burntwood River and it paid off with a smaller bull. Our successful hunter also saw a huge black bear and bought a tag in case their paths crossed again.

Guide Johnny went back to his secret spot where he had heard a moose on the first week but it was scared off. After calling for a few hours, the moose came back out of the bush and his guest was able to fill his tag with a beautiful 16-point rack.

In all it was a good season with great guests, good food and lots of laughs. Hope to see you all next year!

-Camp Manager Jim

monica jim and louise
Cook Monica, Camp Manager Jim, “Smiley” Louise

Bear Hunting Tips

Bear Hunting Tips | Burntwood Lake Lodge

As soon as the winter snow melts, we begin bear hunting season in Manitoba. From mid May though June – and again in the fall. While you are preparing for your big hunt, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

There is a thrill in hunting big game, especially black bear, although, the adventure is not for everyone. Successful hunting is a science and more than a sport. A black bear yields approximately 30%of it weight in edible meat. Bear fat is also a great product generating a quality cooking liquid. Its coat is also a luxury prize. A successful bear hunt does not come easily. Previous hunting experience will serve you well and knowledge of this species and the environment will serve you even better.

You should plan your hunt in an area you know well or engage the services of a qualified hunting guide. You will want to be well prepared with adequate hunting gear based on the probable weather for the area. Depending on where you are hunting the season is likely to be cold so your gear should be protective as well as functional. You need to be highly camouflaged and your clothing should be designed to minimize noise and block scent. The vision of a bear is similar to that of a human although they tend to be near-sighted. They do startle easily to movement so as a hunter, you need to be well hidden and extremely patient with restrained movement. Bear are also endowed with keen hearing. They will hear the rustle of your clothing, the squashing of your boot in the mud, and your conversation with fellow hunters. Again, clothing is key. A quality fleece is a fabric that is both warm and “crinkle-free” making it a good choice for any hunt. The bear was also gifted with a remarkable sense of smell which will require the skilled hunter to prepare long before donning the scent-blocking clothing. You should avoid deodorants, sprays, scented laundry detergents, and contact with domestic pets.

All hunters should exercise care and safety. Make sure your gear is appropriate for the type of hunt and your clothing is properly fitting. Make sure that you are always downwind from where you expect to see bears. Be sure to hunt with a team and have a fully charged, long range communication mechanism on hand – remember you are hunting in a remote location; your cell phone might not have a signal.

Bear hunting tours in Manitoba take place starting in May. Each tour lasts for seven days; so be prepared with plenty of necessities to last for a week or more.

Cooking Bear Meat

Bear Meat Recipes

One of the most common questions about bear is: “Can I eat it?” Of course! It’s perfectly delicious and safe, if not unusual. Experienced hunters may even tell you that it’s a finer meat. Bear meat was a staple of the frontier explorers, and since the bear hunting season has been elongated by many U.S. states, hunters and foodies are on the prowl for interesting bear meat recipes.


It’s been called one of the more flavorful wild meats you’ll ever come across. When hunting bear, you will need to field dress it quickly and then keep it as cool as possible until it can be properly cut and stored. The butchering process is similar to how you would butcher a deer with steaks, roasts, and ground meat for burgers and sausages.


Bear Roast

For a wonderfully tasty bear roast, cut garlic cloves and insert them into slits in the roast. Season the roast with salt and pepper and then marinade the roast in soy sauce, vegetable oil, an onion. You can add mushrooms as well. For three to four pounds of meat, cook the roast at 250 degrees for about four and a half hours (you want an internal temperature of at least 170 degrees).


Bear Stew

Have you ever considered a bear stew? Sauté the meat in oil and then stir in some flour and seasonings (pepper, salt, and oregano). Add water, potatoes, and mushrooms. Bring to a simmer, cover it, and cook the stew for about 45 minutes.


Bear Steaks

For mouthwatering bear steaks, try slicing a large onion and spreading with chili powder and sage. Place the onion pieces on both sides of the bear steak, spread the spices on the steak as well, and then refrigerate for about three hours. Brown on both sides, or cook until desired.


You’ll begin to wonder why restaurants aren’t offering bear!