Prepare For Your Hunting Trips Early

When you plan a hunting trip, you cannot afford to forget a few key pieces of hunting gear. This is why hunting checklists are popular and crucial. Realizing that you have to take a long drive back to retrieve a forgotten hunting license can ruin any good hunt, and a checklist can help you avoid that disaster. Hunting is meant to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience, so do what you can to ensure that your hunt does not deviate from that goal.


  • The Months Prior

Check the sights in your rifles pre-season; make any necessary repairs early. Obtain the necessary information for getting a hunting license and make sure you process your application as early as possible.

Scout hunting land and secure it by asking the owner for written permission to hunt. Asking for permission goes a long way between neighbors, and it shows that you practice polite hunting etiquette.


  • The Week Prior

Create a hunting supply checklist, and organize each section by categories. Head to the store to purchase everything on your list, along with anything that may prove useful, and don’t forget a new first-aid kit.

Wash your bed sheets and clothes with a scent remover, removing as many traces of human scent as you can.


  • The Night Prior

Pack all non-perishable food and clothing into the vehicle the night before. This will save you hours in the morning, and it will make unpacking much more pleasant.



When you prepare early, you do more than ensure success through preparation, you also add excitement and anticipation to your hunting excursion. When perusing the internet for hunting checklists and packing tips, be sure to look for information specific to the game you hunt.


Moose season is finally here!

Are you searching for the perfect big game hunting expedition embark on this fall?  If so, you should visit Burntwood Lake Lodge, the preeminent hunting destination in Manitoba.  Our always popular guided moose hunts are now back, as moose season runs from September 23rd through October 7th!


One of the most unique characteristics of hunting at Burntwood Lake Lodge is that there is no resident or local hunting, only fly- in hunting is permitted.  This leaves the game all to our visitors, as competition with the locals is avoided.  Burntwood offers fully guided moose hunts with the most elite guides who can lead you to the trophy of your dreams.  Central Manitoba is renowned for having big game moose with big racks, and our guests have captured moose with racks ranging from 50 inches all the way up to 63 inches.  What a wonderful addition to the mantle that would be!


Right now is the treasured rut season, which ensures the ubiquitous moose will be plentiful.  Your guide can help you call out to the moose and answer their calls.  Burntwood’s customers have over a 90% opportunity rate, while 75% is the norm for the success rate.  It is truly a wonderful opportunity to finally get that big game trophy that you have sought after for years.


Included in our 2012 hunting package is a plane flying from Snow Lake, MB, and a return home with your game.  Also, three meals a day, fishing, government taxes and a hunting license is all included in your package.   We will also cape and dress your game.  Now is the time to reserve your trip as the moose rut season will be over before we know it.  Please contact us for reservations or to ask us any questions.  Best of luck to you this hunting season!